Nottingham Girl’s High School is holding a Medical Information Evening on Monday 1 July from 6-8pm.

The evening is for students who are interested in applying for medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine and they will be given the opportunity to hear from Nottingham girl’s High School alumnae, universities, application support organisations and more.

The aim of this event is for prospective students of these disciplines to hear from a variety of providers/organisations about applying for and working in these fields, as well hearing about alternative routes or disciplines that they may not have considered. The format of the event will also allow students and parents to engage in conversations for more information/support.

Nottingham Girl’s School is looking for organisations who would be willing to deliver a short talk or session to students and parents about topics such as applying to study within these fields, work experience, interview preparation and more.

There will also be space for organisations to have information stands at the event.

Any organisation that would like to be involved, whether to deliver a talk or just to host an information stand, should contact for more information.

Opportunity provided by Nottingham Girl’s School, click here to learn more. 

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