What is a Placed Based Impact Acceleration Account (PBIAA)?

In October 2023, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) released a call for round two of their PBIAA scheme, which is intended to enhance the capabilities of research and innovation clusters across the UK to drive economic and societal prosperity. Stream One of the Scheme is worth £2.5M over four years.

What is EMERGE?

EMERGE is led by Nottingham Trent University (NTU) in collaboration with academic, industry, civic, clinical, and community partners and stakeholders. Building on previous co-creation events, we aim to exploit our strong and multifaceted EPS-relevant expertise and capability in rehabilitation to deliver health and wealth benefits for the region and nationally. Our three key aims are to:

  • Unify the East Midlands Medtech cluster, by bringing together academics, civic bodies, businesses, clinicians, and PPIE groups to foster innovation-focused pre-competitive discussions, collaborative activity, and collective action in all areas of rehabilitation. EMERGE will create the mechanisms and pathways to match patient demands to health and care solutions and provide opportunities for industry and innovators to place their ideas and solutions with the public and healthcare practitioners for co-creation, validation, and accelerated adoption.
  • Drive and accelerate innovation and excellence in rehabilitation in the East Midlands, with the world leading facilities in the region of the National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC), the regional NHS trusts, care agencies, charities, primary care, and the Campus for Future Living. The primary objective will be to deliver increasingly digital solutions to people requiring rehabilitation with a long-term ambition to deliver prevention and prehabilitation.
  • Empower patients, publics, and end users to have their say in the future of rehabilitation and ensure that the East Midland’s MedTech sector is meeting their needs. Rehabilitation will necessarily include mental health as well as physical health and will draw on our professional experts and the public to engage with community voices, informal carers, those supporting patients with long term conditions, aiming to address loneliness and health inequalities as examples alongside physical rehabilitation. We will seek ways to engage with paediatrics and youth and community groups.

Your Invitation to Co-Create EMERGE and Become a Partner
You are warmly invited to our final co-creation workshop on Tuesday 6th February at NTU’s Clifton Campus. The aim of the event is to better understand the needs, challenges, and opportunities in rehabilitation in East Midlands MedTech in collaboration with key stakeholders. In particular, we are interested in better understanding:

  • What opportunities and innovation in rehabilitation and prehabilitation could EMERGE support in developing? What do you need to make this happen?
  • What are the key needs or challenges facing your organisation or the patients, publics, and communities your organisation represents?

There will also be an opportunity to tour the Medical Technologies Innovation Facility (MTIF).

Please contact Sarah Dossor to confirm your attendance and provide details of any dietary or access requirements: sarah.dossor@ntu.ac.uk.

If you have any questions or queries regarding EMERGE, please contact Professor John Hunt (Principal Investigator and Academic Lead for MTIF, NTU) and Dr Michelle Poland (Research Impact Manager, NTU): john.hunt@ntu.ac.uk and michelle.poland@ntu.ac.uk.

Content provided by Medilink Midlands Patron Nottingham Trent University.

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