The Routes into STEM Virtual course allows students Yr9 & 10 and S3 & S4 to recognise the variety of opportunities available to them after taking their GCSEs or Nat 5 and Highers, it will provide them access to key information on different pathways; college, university and STEM career. Diverse live interactive sessions will take place throughout the duration of the course, these will be available during school holidays and after school. Students will be able to listen and ask questions to a variety of STEM professionals and student ambassadors.  Students will also choose from a range of exciting projects, developed by our University and Industry partners, to work on during the course.

Who is it for?

  • Students in Year 9 or 10 or S3 or S4 who are interested in exploring a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
  • All you need is an interest in STEM and curiosity about the future and is open to all academic abilities

What is involved?

  • Approximately 20 hours of study virtually
  • Exploring different Routes into a STEM career including College Courses, University Courses, Apprenticeships and learning from industry what is involved in a STEM career as well as enhancing your skills
  • The course includes live interactive sessions throughout the duration, allowing you to listen and ask questions to STEM students and professionals
  • Once you have been inspired by these different Routes you will get to work on a project set by a STEM company to look further at a career area that interests you

When is it?

Wednesday 29th May 11am – 12pm – STEM Professionals Panel

Tuesday 18th June 4pm-5pm Women in STEM Panel

Wednesday 24th July 11am – 12pm STEM Professionals Panel

Tuesday 30th July 10am -11am Women in STEM Panel

Wednesday 31st July 11am – 12pm STEM Professionals Panel

What do you get out of it?

  • A chance to find out about different Routes into STEM careers from industry experts, college and university leaders as well as young people who are currently on that path
  • Engage in projects and activities that will enhance your problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and innovation skills as well as inspiring you to find career motivation.
  • Projects include: a Biopharm challenge from GSK, a Design challenge from Balfour Beatty, a Royal Society of Chemistry challenge and many more exciting challenges in all aspects of STEM.
  • A chance to create your own personalised action plan to see your own Route into STEM
  • You will learn about your career skills and how you could write about this in your CV/ Personal Statement and/or Application form
  • Once completed you will receive an Industrial Cadets Bronze Award showing all that you have achieved on the course


Total cost for this programme is £75.

For further information, please click here.

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