Closing date 24 November 2023

Number of positions Various

Length of term Two years

Time commitment Up to 10 days a year

Remuneration Travel and subsistence will be paid, along with an attendance fee per meeting

Applicable for both in-person and virtual meetings

Outcomes communicated March 2024


EPSRC welcomes applicants for vacancies on our:

  • Science, Engineering and Technology Board (SETB)
  • Strategic Advisory Teams (SATs) for the following themes:
    • digital security and resilience
    • energy and decarbonisation
    • engineering
    • healthcare
    • information communication technologies
    • infrastructure
    • manufacturing and the circular economy
    • mathematical sciences
    • physical sciences
    • UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics

We are seeking applications from individuals with experience of industry, academia, users of research, and in the third sector and government organisations.

Click here to find out more

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