In the congratulation remarks for Zhongguancun Forum, President of China Xi Jinping stressed that in today’s world the development of science and technology must have a global vision, grasp the pulse of the time and closely follow the new requirements put forward by life.

China attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation and is committed to promote the global scientific and technological innovation cooperation.

Since Dongsheng Cup’s first launch in 2013, the competition has been successfully held for nine times, attracting 11,306 start-ups, including more than 2,500 international projects. The cup aims to create an innovation platform that gathers cutting-edge advantages and scientific support for new drivers of global innovation and entrepreneurship.

The competition brings together the global innovation resources and entrepreneurship ecosystem, cooperating with global incubators to jointly cultivate start-ups.

The competition covers the following sectors: Life Sciences, New Energy and New Materials and is divided into Preliminary rounds, Quarter finals, Semi finals and Global finals.

• Application time: June – 4th Sept. 2023
• Preliminary rounds and Secondary rounds: June – Oct.
• Global Semi-finals: November
• Global Finals: December
• Start-ups that pass the initial review will enter the Dongsheng Cup preliminary rounds.

• Top 50 start-ups will receive a total prize worth 10million RMB + space support
o Special prize (1): 1 million RMB + 200 sqm of free office space
o First prize (1): 200,000 RMB + 24 free working stations
o Second prize (2): 100,000 RMB + 20 free working stations
o Third prize (4): 50,000 RMB + 15 free working stations
o Innovative award (10): 20,000 RMB + 10 working stations
o Creative award (10): 20,000 RMB + 10 working stations
o Excellence Award: (22): 10,000 RMB + 8 free working stations

• Life Sciences
• Digital Economy
• New Energy and New Materials

• The founder is the team leader or a corporate legal person. If the participating
project has been already registered, its registration time should be no earlier
than January 1, 2016
• The core team members shall not be less than 3 people, and the participants
must be the founder or core members of the team
• Start-up should be able to clearly explain the characteristics of their product or
services clearly and fully, production or operation mode, and why its products or services are appealing to customers
• Enterprises have equity financing needs, and the financing valuation does not exceed 200 million RMB.

Please register here

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