What is the UK Export Academy?

Brought to you by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT), the UK Export Academy is a free training programme, delivered through a hybrid of online and face-to-face learning.

Join thousands of businesses to discover your export potential, increase your confidence, and upskill your knowledge of overseas sales.

What’s involved?

From introductory sessions to specific sector workshops, the UK Export Academy hosts hours of events available for all SMEs across the UK. Whether you’re brand new to exporting, or looking for a refresher, they’ll be a workshop to suit your business needs.

The ‘Essentials’ sessions are repeated across the year, so you can sign up to as many as you like at the pace that works for you.

Essentials: A beginner’s guide to introduce you to key exporting basics, including how to create an export action plan, identify your target audience, conduct market research, understand customs documentation, export services overseas, and much more.

Masterclasses: Explore specialised areas of interest in more detail such as eCommerce, intellectual property, and digital marketing. These workshops are ideal for businesses who have already started exporting and are looking to fast track their international growth.

Sectors: Working closely with DBT’s sector teams, these sector-specific workshops will give exporters relevant information about their industry.

Markets: Every market is different. Businesses can get more information about opportunities in key markets in partnership with DBT’s overseas specialists, including information on Free Trade Agreements.

Who is the UK Export Academy for?

The UK Export Academy is open to any business in the UK who has a product or service that can be sold internationally. It is for businesses who know that they want to reach international customers and contracts in the future, as well as those who might already be selling beyond the UK and want to expand into new markets.

Can’t wait to get started?

Sign up and create a personalised account, you will then have access to the full calendar of free events at great.gov.uk/export-academy

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