The Advanced Bioimaging facility at the University of Warwick supports the investigation of complex biological problems using electron microscopy and is open to external clients from industry and other higher education institutions.

To celebrate the arrival of the new JEOL JSM-IT800 scanning electron microscope (SEM), the facility is holding an opening event on Wednesday 26 June to showcase how SEM techniques can support the analysis of a wide range of biological sample types.

Full programme:

12pm Lunch, image showcase and meet the facilities

1pm Welcome

1:10 Volume EM – Prof Roland Fleck, King’s College London

2:00 Cryo-SEM of Biofilms – Dr Dean Walsh, University of Warwick

2:30 Coffee break

3:00 Cryo-TOF-SIMS – Dr Anna Kotowska, University of Nottingham

3:20 SEM of plant material – Kim Findlay, John Innes Centre

3:50 Closing remarks


To register for this event, click here. 

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